Sandra Zahn Oreck Obituary (1940-2021) It is with infinite sadness that we announce the passing of artist, teacher, and aesthete Sandra Zahn-Oreck, 81. Beloved mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend, she died peacefully in her home surrounded by much love and her cherished art collection.
Sandra Zahn Oreck spent hours on the phone with us as we tried to get the Rockmore project up and running. She along with Don Marshall were the most important people connected to the Artworld and Rockmore that were willing to spend the time with us to get the Rockmore Project going. When we visited her in South Florida, we were overwhelmed by her artwork and her Rockmore Collection and Artworld insight. Tee says that she loved her immediately because of her passion for art, for Rockmore and for us. "She was the classiest person that we met that was connected to Rockmore and the Artworld."
Her life story was amazing from her own NYC Artworld sculpture career to starting a Gallery in NOLA, marrying into the Oreck (yes the vacuum people) family and then managing Rockmore in her gallery. Rockmore was all out of options when Sandra took him on in 1981 and he knew she was his best chance for survival. She not only managed him, indulged him and cared for him, she also became his real friend. Her stories were wonderful especially the one when all of Rockmore's French Quarter friends descended on her home for an opening party.
Sandra won our hearts forever when she flew in from Washington DC to attend the Huge Rockmore Opening in LaGrange Georgia. She participated in all 3 days and each and every event and was a highlight of the Q&A at the Cochran Gallery and the Mardi Gras party. Tee says, "in many ways, we validated each other, her belief in Rockmore was also part of Shirley's belief and became ours as well." The most impressive thing to us about Sandra was her love of art, Rockmore, traveling with her family and her dedication to Judiasm. She loved us and everyone unconditionally and we loved her right back, what an amazing legacy. Your memory will always be a blessing to all of us Sandra.
Sandra Zahn Oreck